Why Work with Us

If you want your historic musical instrument to be serviced by musicians, contact Top Rung Tower Chime.

If you want your historic musical instrument to be serviced by a member of the National Trust for Historic Preservation and the American Institute of Organbuilders, contact Top Rung Tower Chime.

If you want your historic musical instrument to be serviced by a company that has specialized in the repair and restoration of Deagan Tower Chime Systems since 1987, contact Top Rung Tower Chime.

If you want to hire a company that winds all its own coils so that they meet or exceed Deagan’s high standards, contact Top Rung Tower Chime.

If you want to hire a company whose reputation is built on quality and integrity instead of speed, contact Top Rung Tower Chime.

If you appreciate excellent work done by others in the past and want that work preserved, respected, and protected, contact Top Rung Tower Chime.